Lithuania; MoD to allocate €3.1 Billion to replenish ammunition stocks

Lithuania’s defense ministry has announced a plan to bolster its stocks of ammunition and disposable weapons by investing over €3.1 billion over the next ten years.

As part of the planned progress of National Defence System, the Ministry of National Defence foresees spending over EUR 3.1 billion on military stockpiles which would comprise various required calibers of ammunition in the coming decade. The amount is the worth of at least 12% of the entire annual defence budget and an extension by one fifth as compared to the previous level of ambition.

Minister notes that military stockpile building is among the top priorities of the recent years which is paid increasingly more MoD attention and appropriations by the year. That is associated not only with the tense regional security situation but also with the wide-ranging modernization in the Lithuanian Armed Forces: acquisition of the NASAMS mid-range air defence system, HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, Vilkas Infantry Fighting Vehicles, JLTV Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, PzH2000 and Ceasar howitzers, tactical drones, and other capabilities.

The Ministry of National Defence especially focused of military stockpiling last year in the wake of the dramatic change in the geopolitical situation. 2022 was a record year for stocking up, receiving almost one fifth of the defence budget (the considerable 18.3%) added up with the appropriations committed on top over the year. In comparison, the financing amounted to 17.7% of defence budget in 2021 and 11.2% in 2020. This year military stock appropriations are planned to reach approx. one fourth of a billion euros (13.4% defence budget), twice the amount allocated in 2020 (115.6 million euros).

Lithuania; MoD to allocate €3.1 Billion to replenish ammunition stocks

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